Mar 19, 2012
I've been on the road and Ursula is on the road, but never fear! We recorded this little tidbit for you before either of us left. We hope you enjoy it, because the awesome fan who made it possible has won a place in our hearts for her art - if not for the food she sent us.
See you next week!
Mar 12, 2012
First up, Ursula gets drunk and a little belligerent. I'm not sure if that's because of the crappy foods, crappy cider, or the really, really good cider. In any case, Grover gets his chance to prove himself as a food spokes-monster, Archer Farms gets a chance at frozen pizza, and we try two types of boutique waters. And...
Mar 5, 2012
Kevin is sick. We suspect con crud. Or maybe it's the Martian Death Virus. In any case, a slightly abreviated episode of soup, soup, more soup and a pizza.
Is eating ramen on the show getting back to our roots? I'm not really sure anymore.
So once more into the breach, full of nasal decongestant and pain killers....