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Kevin and Ursula Eat Cheap

Sep 29, 2013

So you know those coconut chips we've been raving about? Someone sent us some, and they were made from durian. And while the title is a bit of a spoiler on those, we will not spoil our impressions of the flatbread pizza, or the He'Brew beer. Or even the pomegranite cider.

Of course, there is a whole lot more to go with...

Sep 22, 2013

As many of you know, we get a lot of things in the mail. I'm not complaining, because you love us so much you want to share (or you hate us so much you are trying to kill us - sometimes it could go either way...). So we try to eat everything that comes in before the expiration date. 

This week, we dug into the cabinet...

Sep 15, 2013

Has it been three years already? We'll do an aniversary show, I promise. But this week, it is time to delve into the back-log in our pantry. And that means hidden gems and lumps of clay. In fairness, it may be easier to eat clay than one or two of this week's selections.

But the beer is good, and we're not dead yet -...

Sep 9, 2013

We're back! Worldcon was fun, and we will tell you all about the things we ate. Well, not really, because there were a lot of them. You will hear about the incident with the river, though. Later on, we get a visit from Sergei, the new cat, and he causes at least one technical issue.
We also eat food, and the results...

No Show due to Worldcon! BUT...

Sep 1, 2013

Ursula and Kevin are at Worldcon this weekend, so there is no new show. BUT! Listener FiddlingFrog took us up on our comment last week, and compiled a complete list of sponsor segues. You can read them here. Enjoy, and see you next...