Dec 25, 2016
It is the holiday season, and didn't want to punish our systems with a full meal, so we're drinking chocolate and reading some of your letters.
Have a Happy Holiday for whatever Holiday you may or may not celebrate, and we'll be back next week, when We Eat It, So You Don't Have To!
Dec 18, 2016
Do other people wander through their bulk retailers, big-box stores, and groceries looking at every little thing just to yell "For Science!" when they discover something new and different? Do other people grab that bag of fig pops going "well, someone has to do it?"
Are we the only people who are both thrilled and...
Dec 11, 2016
We are sad to announce that KUEC is no longer recorded in front of a live kitchen beagle. This week, we remember the life of Gir the Beagle, and drink to his honor.
There is also the usual run of foods, including a thing that should not be (hint: it has kale), a thing that should be, and a thing that we might kill for...